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French ToastBy Jen BookerMy friend made this for me for brunch and it's delicious!
Hoisin, Edamame & Shiitake RiceBy Jen BookerOven baked veggie rice dish that can be enjoyed on its own or as an accompaniment. You could add protein to make it a main meal, such as tofu, tempeh or vegan 'chickn'.
Vegan BourguignonBy Jen Booker'Beef' bourguignon using Fable pulled mushrooms
Seven Layer Mexican dipBy Jen BookerThis is incredible and great for a big sharing bowl with friends. It can be made a day in advance and kept in the fridge.
Chili Non CarneBy Jen BookerFrom itdoesn'ttastelikechicken, very meaty tasting chilli.
Tempeh Caesar SaladBy Jen BookerThis is from my favourite restaurant in Bath ,The Green Rocket!
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