Fool proof pizza dough based on Jamie Oliver recipe!

Sieve flour and salt into bowl
In a separate bowl, mix water, yeast, sugar and olive oil and leave for a few minutes
Add water mix to the flour and combine with fork until you can knead with hands
Knead for 5-10 minutes or until dough is springy
Flour a bowl and add the dough, adding flour to top
Cover and leave in warm place for an hour
Punch out the air and section the dough into pieces (the dough makes about 3 medium sized bases)
Flour surface and roll to desired shape/size
Add to a lightly oiled hot pizza tray, add toppings and cook!
Sieve flour and salt into bowl
In a separate bowl, mix water, yeast, sugar and olive oil and leave for a few minutes
Add water mix to the flour and combine with fork until you can knead with hands
Knead for 5-10 minutes or until dough is springy
Flour a bowl and add the dough, adding flour to top
Cover and leave in warm place for an hour
Punch out the air and section the dough into pieces (the dough makes about 3 medium sized bases)
Flour surface and roll to desired shape/size
Add to a lightly oiled hot pizza tray, add toppings and cook!